So, I've never been one to do much for Halloween. I mostly am just a fan of the candy. But seeing how my boyfriend has 7 nieces and nephews, we thought that we should make things a little interesting. I layed on the sidewalk "dead" when the kids came. They were all like "whoa...what happened? Isn't that Megan? Is she dead?" Uknowingly to them, my boyfriend was hiding (actually lying down) behind the bushes right behind them! So, after I sat up and screamed to scare them, they all start to go on the porch when he jumps out and scares them. Did I mention he had a real machete? Needless to say, we scared their socks off...I have it videoed:) Here are a few pictures...view more on my website.

Before we scared the kids, we went by Food Lion (work) to see what everyone was doing there. We ran into Derek, Travis, and Holly....

Hope everyone had a safe and happy Halloween!
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